.NET Bulk Operations LINQ Dynamic


You can execute query dynamically through the Eval-Expression.NET library.

You can download it here: Download

The Eval-Expression.NET library can be activated with the Bulk Operations license.

LINQ Dynamic - Predicate

You can use any LINQ method that support predicate with a dynamic C# expression :

  • Deferred
    • SkipWhile
    • TakeWhile
    • Where
  • Immediate
    • All
    • Any
    • Count
    • First
    • FirstOrDefault
    • Last
    • LastOrDefault
    • LongCount
    • Single
    • SingleOrDefault


var list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var list2 = list.Where(x => "x > 2");
var list3 = list.Where(x => "x > X", new { X = 2 }); // with parameter

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LINQ Dynamic - Ordering and Selecting

You can use any ordering and selecting method with a dynamic C# expression:

  • OrderByDescendingDynamic
  • OrderByDynamic
  • SelectDynamic
  • SelectMany
  • ThenByDescendingDynamic
  • ThenByDynamic

The "Dynamic" suffix is required for not overriding the default behavior (ordering or selecting by a string is valid).


var list = new List<int>() { 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 };

// SelectDynamic
var list2 = list.SelectDynamic(x => "new { y = x + 1 }");
var list3 = list.SelectDynamic(x => "new { y = x + 1 }", new { y = 1 });

// OrderByDynamic
var list4 = list.OrderByDynamic(x => "x + 1");
var list5 = list.OrderByDynamic(x => "x + Y", new { Y = 1 });

LINQ Dynamic - Execute

You can push the LINQ Dynamic experience further by using the Execute method and chaining anything else:

  • Execute
  • Execute<TResult>


var list = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

var list2 = list.Execute<List<int>>("Where(x => x > 2).OrderBy(x => x).ToList()");
var list3 = list.Execute<List<int>>("Where(x => x > y).OrderBy(x => x).ToList()", new { y = 2 });
